4×4 meter deck completed

On this beautiful day, me and my youngest son Rasmus loaded up the trusty carrier Peugeot and headed down to the tower to complete the deck. And we succeeded! The 4×4 chill pad is not securely settled onto the concrete foundation of the tower, and we hope it will prove to be a nice, sun drenched spot for lazy days ahead.

Lamb sausages

This is not the first time I cook something in the newly installed kitchen, but I must simply express the sheer joy of being able to prepare a meal in the tower. Such a feeling to have passed that hurdle!

Rasmus devouring aforementioned sausages
Wisteria with wires to climb on

Being a Wisteria sucker, I have tracked down the Wisteria Macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’ variety. It is supposed to stand up to the harsh Swedish winters – I guess I have to wait until next year to see if that’s actually true. Anyway, I have run two wires up the corner post of the deck, I’ll be back in a few weeks to see if Ms. Wistera “catches on”.