Another milestone – finishing off the “sub level” that will partially serve as a tiny chill-out area but mostly as a platform to pause the almost 7 meter ascent to the top level of the tower. The image above illustrates how the metal structure is secured – a hole through the wall, a threaded M20 and solid bolts on both sides should make sure the structure stays put.
Here are some solid larch beams sourced from a lumberyard in Örebro, about one hour south of the tower, treated with linseed oil. I’ve added these on top of the metal structure so I can screw the larch planks on top. Larch is a very heavy material, but ages nicely and looks pretty cool when treated with linseed oil.
Adding the planks. This part of the project is very rewarding as it’s quick and truly offers instant gratification – you can really see the sub level taking shape, and it creates a new impression of the vertical experience that will be this weird, but hopefully enjoyable retreat.
…pretty much done. All but a few planks added – the tiny platform at the bottom of the image that not yet holds any planks will eventually constitute the bottom of the staircase leading up to the top floor. I will hold off completing this part until the custom built parts for the top level staircase is done, as I am not yet 100% certain of size & dimension. Stay tuned!