For years, I have tracked one of these – A large Indola ceiling fan, ivory color. They do pop up on Swedish auction site Tradera from time to time, but usually it’s the grey/black variety and they have a tendency of being VERY pricey. I have got beaten in many an auction, but a few weeks back I found one on Swedish classified site “Blocket” – hidden far, far down a list of items for sale. I immediately jumped on it and the nice person selling it kindly agreed to ship it.

There was no controller for it but consulting an electrician friend, I managed to source a variable controller that both technically and aesthetically fit into the electrical system I have selected (Schneider Exxact).

It’s temporarily mounted hanging from the ceiling using an extended pipe, so I can move it around. I’m not yet sure where it will sit exactly so I’ll use this temp solution until the lower floor is laid out in detail.