Yesterday, disaster struck, as extremely strong winds decided to decapitate the tower. This has happened once before – about 30 years ago – and the roof was kind of just a temporary installation, never meant to last this long in the first place. Most important – NOBODY GOT HURT. Apparently, a group of people had strolled by the building just moments prior to the decapitation; they were left unharmed. No other material damage was reported either.
Some representatives of the fine, gentle habitants of Järnboås scrambled and got the debris out of the way (the roof had landed on the main road) and a the fellow living next to the tower as well as the gentleman running the main excavation business in the area both gave me a ring to bring me up to speed. The nice, local carpenter also contacted me with the news. The told me not to worry as they had already taken care of the problem. Fantastic people; I was very moved!
I guess the only good thing to come out of this is that I now have to get working on putting a new roof up. More on that later. Once again – THANK YOU, all you fine Järnboås people giving an out-of-towner such a great, helping hand & support!